Ground Breaking Moments in Adult Life


My Little Pony - still awesome!
My Little Pony – still awesome!

When you realise that sadly no you are not in fact a superhero. No one is going to show up some day and explain that you don’t fit in as you have awesome super powers and are destined for far better things that hanging about with mere mortals. The truth is your just a bit odd and doomed to be classed as eccentric. And nope no matter how much you stare at something you can’t make it move (your trying now aren’t you?)

– Same goes for being a vampire slayer 

– The sad realisation that its actually really hard to win the lotto. And that it helps to actually buy a ticket

 – The happiness in knowing that you were right; aside from your junior cert no one sane ever uses a theorem or   sin/cos/tan for anything. …. and thankfully like you 9 out of 10 people never knew what a theorem was either.

– When it dawns on you that having only acquired a pony/horse in your twenties you are way too old to compete in any of the gymkhanas that Jill and her string of ponies used to swan off to all the time.

– When you realise that no one cares how you did in your leaving cert

– Not wanting to admit that when it comes to the whole vampire thing you are not entirely sure if they exist or not

– Realising your mums never going to buy you a mister frostie for christmas.

– No amount of office stationary will ever be as cool as the crayola crayon carousel.

– Learning that meetings are the ad breaks of the genuine working day.

– Realising that you are never going to get to ride Milton or Downlands Cancara. The Horse and Pony magazine dream bites the dust

– When it dawns on you that despite 13 years in school you don’t know a word of Irish or German (and no Cuinas, Bothar, Cailin, Bainne doesn’t count).

– The sad moment when you understand that you are never going to be a rockstar

– The sad truth that hard work and honesty doesn’t always get you to the top. Sadly morons do sometimes succeed!

– Watching back shows you watched as a child and loved and realising that some of them are totally sh*te

– …..except My Little Pony, Shera and Thundercats , they of course are still awesome

– Wondering how in the name of god you watched Bosco as a child and still turned out relatively normal…..although a little mentally scarred from the sight of Frank and Grainne dancing around in their pastel dungarees

– Having to acknowledge that they are never going to remake sky ice creams, secret bars and pyramid bars.

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